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Execute the following command to create an application in your current directory:

qne application create [OPTIONS] APPLICATION_NAME ROLES...

APPLICATION_NAME The name of the application [required]
ROLES Names of the roles to be created [required]

     This could be an example of what this command could look like:

    qne application create teleport Sender Receiver

    You can have as many roles as you'd like, as long as the network can fit them - if your network consists of 5 nodes, you can create up to 5 roles. In Network Information you can find the number of nodes a network has.

    After executing this command, you should have a directory structure that looks like this:

    | -- config
    | | -- application.json
    | | -- network.json
    | | -- result.json
    | ---- src
    | | --
    | | --
    | -- MANIFEST.ini

    The config directory consists of 3 json files to configure your application:

    • application.json serves as a template for the inputs that the user can give to the application.
    • network.json contains the available networks, together with the roles that were given as input.
    • result.json defines how to display the results on the Quantum Network Explorer website. For now, QNE-ADK can only be used to run experiments locally, so this file can be left as is.

    The src directory consists of a number of python files. These are the actual application files. For each role defined in the application a python file is created. The file names of these application files are based on the role names you specified while creating the application.

    To make sure that your application has all the necessary and the correct structure, you can validate it with the following command (assuming you are in your application directory):

    qne application validate

    You have now created your application and are ready to prepare the contents of the config and src files.