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There are many terms related to quantum networks simulators floating here. Here, we describe the key players and explain how they relate to one another. 

First, let us start by looking at NetSquid. NetSquid is a discrete-event simulator that can be used to model quantum hardware. SquidASM is a simulator extending NetSquid and it allows for easy and modular simulation of applications for quantum networks. 

Next we have the QNE-ADK. The QNE Application Development Kit allows for easy setup of applications. QNE-ADK uses SquidASM to simulate the execution of quantum applications. In the future, QNE-ADK will have multiple "backends" and the user will be able to execute quantum applications either using the SquidASM simulator or on an actual quantum hardware.

The main difference between using QNE-ADK or using SquidASM directly is that QNE-ADK abstracts away some complexity and makes it easier to start writing your own applications. For more experienced developers who want more control over their applications, SquidASM is the better choice.

How does NetQASM come in? NetQASM is an instruction architecture set; think of it as a "language" which one can use to describe quantum application. Both SquidASM and QNE-ADK execute applications written in NetQASM.

We also have to mention the latest addition to the QNE environment: the Community Application Library (CAL). Applications written using QNE-ADK can be uploaded and shared to QNE CAL. This makes it possible to check applications written by other users!

This last missing piece brings us to the final picture; hopefully you now have a better idea of what the different terms mean. Scroll down to see a simple summary of when you should use a particular tool!

Which simulator should I use?

QNE Community Application Library


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