By performing different actions across the website you're able to gain badges, each one awarded based on specific criteria. The more you do for each badge, the higher your badge's level will be!
Below we describe what you have to do to gain each badge. Note: badges with an asterisk (*) by their name aren't enabled yet.
Code Guru
Publish apps onto QNE!
This badge tracks how many applications you've published across QNE: you get a bronze badge for publishing 1, silver for 3, and a gold badge if you've published at least 10!
Run experiments every day!
This badge tracks how many days in a row you've run experiments for: you get a bronze badge by running them for 1+ days, silver for 3+ days, and a gold badge if you run an experiment every day for over a week!
Regularly publish apps!
This badge tracks how many applications you've published in the past month: you get a bronze badge for publishing 1 in the past 30 days, silver for 2 or 3, and a gold badge if you've published 4 or more!
Have your apps run by others!
This badge tracks how many users (across all of QNE) have run your applications: you get a bronze badge when over 25% of all users have done so, silver for 50%, and a gold badge if over 75% of all users have run your apps!
See how often your apps are executed!
This badge ranks you by how many times all your applications have been executed, compared to everyone else: you get a bronze badge for being in the top 20, silver for top 10, and a gold badge if you're one of the 3 users with the highest number of total app executions!
App Guru*
Run QNE apps!
This badge tracks how many applications across QNE you've run: you get a bronze badge by running over 50% of them, silver for 70%+, and a gold badge if you've run over 90% of all apps!