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Below are listed all commands that handle creation, validation, publication, and deletion of an application.

qne application clone

Clone an existing remote or local application and use it as a starting point for new application development. 


  APPLICATION_NAME      Name of the application to clone  [required]
  NEW_APPLICATION_NAME  New name of the cloned application

--remote Clone remote application
--help Show this message and exit. Example: qne application clone existing_application new_application

qne application create

Create a new application in your current directory containing all the files that are needed to write your application. The application directory name will be based on the value given to application_name. Two child directories src and config will be created, along with the default files.

qne application create [OPTIONS] APPLICATION_NAME ROLES...

  APPLICATION_NAME  Name of the application  [required]
  ROLES...          Names of the roles to be created  [required]

  --help  Show this message and exit.
  qne application create my_application Alice Bob

qne application delete

Delete application files from the local application directory and delete the remote application under construction. A published application cannot be deleted.

qne application delete [OPTIONS] [APPLICATION_NAME]

  When application_name is given, ./application_name is taken as application
  directory; when this directory is not valid, the application directory is
  fetched from the application configuration. When application_name is not
  given, the current directory is taken as application directory.

  APPLICATION_NAME  Name of the application

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  qne application delete application_name

qne application fetch

Fetch an existing remote application. This command only makes sense for the original developer of the application to do additional development when the files were deleted locally.

qne application fetch [OPTIONS] APPLICATION_NAME

APPLICATION_NAME Name of the application to fetch [required] Options: --help Show this message and exit. Example: qne application fetch existing_remote_application

qne application init

Initialize an existing application in the current path which is not already registered to QNE-ADK. This is needed for applications not created with QNE-ADK, for example when the files come from a repository or are directly copied to the file system. 

qne application init [OPTIONS] APPLICATION_NAME

./application_name is taken as application directory

APPLICATION_NAME Name of the application to initialize [required] Options: --help Show this message and exit. Example: qne application init application_name

qne application list

Show a list of all existing applications and the path to where they are stored.

qne application list [OPTIONS]

--remote List remote applications --local List local applications --help Show this message and exit. Example: qne application list

qne application publish

Request the application to be published remote. When published successfully, the application can be run by other users. 

qne application publish [OPTIONS] [APPLICATION_NAME]

 When application_name is given, ./application_name is taken as application
directory; when this directory is not valid, the application directory is
fetched from the application configuration. When application_name is not
given, the current directory is taken as application directory.

APPLICATION_NAME Name of the application to initialize

Options: --help Show this message and exit. Example: qne application publish application_name

qne application upload

Request the application to be uploaded remote for testing purposes. Only when one or more successful experiment runs are done for this application, it can be published.   

qne application upload [OPTIONS] [APPLICATION_NAME]

When application_name is given, ./application_name is taken as application
directory; when this directory is not valid, the application directory is
fetched from the application configuration. When application_name is not
given, the current directory is taken as application directory.

APPLICATION_NAME Name of the application to initialize

--help Show this message and exit.

qne application upload application_name

qne application validate

Validate the application.

qne application validate [OPTIONS] [APPLICATION_NAME]

When application_name is given, ./application_name is taken as application
directory; when this directory is not valid, the application directory is
fetched from the application configuration. When application_name is not
given, the current directory is taken as application directory.  

APPLICATION_NAME Name of the application to be validated

Options: --help Show this message and exit. Example: qne application validate my_application


Below are listed all commands that belong to the creation, deletion, validation and run of an experiment.

qne experiment create

Create a new experiment, based on an application name and a chosen network.


  EXPERIMENT_NAME   Name of the experiment  [required]
  APPLICATION_NAME  Name of the application  [required]
  NETWORK_NAME      Name of the network to be used [required]

  --remote  Create the experiment on the remote
  --help    Show this message and exit.
  qne experiment create experiment_name application_name europe

qne experiment delete

Delete experiment files.

qne experiment delete [OPTIONS] [EXPERIMENT_NAME_OR_ID]    

Local: When deleting an experiment locally, argument EXPERIMENT_NAME_OR_ID
is the local experiment name, which is the subdirectory containing the experiment 
files. When the argument is empty the current directory is taken as experiment
directory. The local experiment files are deleted. When the experiment was
with '
--remote' and the experiment was run remotely, the remote experiment is also deleted.                                                            

Remote: the argument EXPERIMENT_NAME_OR_ID is the remote experiment id to delete.
No local files are deleted.

Arguments: EXPERIMENT_NAME_OR_ID Name of the experiment or remote id Options:
--remote Delete a remote experiment --help Show this message and exit. Example: qne experiment delete experiment_name

qne experiment list

List remote experiments.

qne experiment list [OPTIONS]

  --help  Show this message and exit.
  qne experiment list

qne experiment results

Get the results for an experiment that has been run.

qne experiment results [OPTIONS] [EXPERIMENT_NAME]

When experiment_name is given, ./experiment_name is taken as experiment
directory. When experiment_name is not given, the current directory is
taken as 
experiment directory. 

EXPERIMENT_NAME Name of the experiment
Options: --all Get all results for this experiment --show Show the results on screen instead of saving to file --help Show this message and exit. Example: qne experiment results

qne experiment run

Run an experiment.

qne experiment run [OPTIONS] [EXPERIMENT_NAME]

When experiment_name is given ./experiment_name is taken as experiment
directory. When experiment_name is not given, the current directory is
taken as 
experiment directory. Block (remote experiment runs only) waits
for the experiment to finish before returning (and results are available).
Local experiment
runs are blocked by default. Timeout (optional) limits
the wait (in seconds) for a blocked experiment to finish. In case of a local
experiment, a timeout will
 cancel the experiment run. A remote experiment run
is not canceled after a timeout and results can be fetched at a later moment.

EXPERIMENT_NAME Name of the experiment

Options: --block Wait for the (remote) experiment to finish
--timeout Limit the wait for the experiment to finish --help Show this message and exit. Example: qne experiment run

qne experiment validate

Validates whether the experiment file structure is complete and if the json content is valid.

qne experiment validate [OPTIONS] [EXPERIMENT_NAME]

When experiment_name is given ./experiment_name is taken as experiment
directory. When experiment_name is not given, the current directory is
taken as 
experiment directory.   

EXPERIMENT_NAME Name of the experiment

Options: --help Show this message and exit. Example: qne experiment validate

Quantum Network Explorer

Below are the two commands used for logging in and out of the Quantum Network Explorer.

qne login

Log in to Quantum Network Explorer.

qne login [OPTIONS] [HOST]

When host is not given, you will be logged in to the (production) site.
In most cases, it is therefore not necessary to specify the host.


--email Email of the remote user [required]
--password Password of the remote user [required] --help Show this message and exit. Example: qne login

qne logout

Log out from Quantum Network Explorer.

qne logout [OPTIONS] [HOST]


Options: --help Show this message and exit. Example: qne logout


Below are the commands for managing networks.

qne network list

List networks.

qne network list [OPTIONS]

--remote List remote networks
--local List local networks
--help Show this message and exit.

qne network list

qne network update

Get remote networks and update local network files. 

qne network update [OPTIONS]

--overwrite Overwrite local networks
--help Show this message and exit.

qne network update