Knowledge Base

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In the experiment, you have the option to adjust the values ​​of the inputs of the application for which you are creating the experiment. To create an experiment, use the following command:


EXPERIMENT_NAME Name of the experiment. [required]
APPLICATION_NAME Name of the application. [required]
NETWORK_NAME Name of the network to be used. [required] (network_information)

Assuming your application name is 'teleport', this could be an example of what this command can look like:

qne experiment create teleport_experiment teleport randstad

Note: This command can be executed anywhere on your computer. You don't have to create it in your application directory.

After executing this command, a directory is generated named after your experiment name. Within this directory, an experiment.json file is created along with an input directory. This input directory contains all the JSON together with the application source files, copied over from your application directory. Now you should have the following experiment directory structure:

| -- input
| | --
| | --
| | -- application.json
| | -- network.json
| | -- result.json
| -- experiment.json

Since the input directory is a direct copy from your application directory, you don't have to change anything in here. The experiment.json is where the action takes place. So now that the creation of your experiment structure is ready, you can start to configure your experiment.